Futures trading and online committy trading at Fort Wealth Trading Company LLC




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Margin Requirements

For current margin requirement required by our clearing firm, Straits Financial, please click here.

This page is periodically updated.


E-mail: info@fortwealth.com

Phone: (866) 443-0868

Fax: (817) 764-2537




Investors Please note: There is a risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options and foreign exchange products.  The lawyers tell us to say that much.  But we'll go even better.  Don't invest with money you can't afford to lose.  Don't invest if a loss could force you to lose your house, not be able to afford meals, etc. Use some sense.  Investing can and does involve risk.  In certain positions you can lose more than your original investment.  Your broker will explain this to you if you're not clear on what we're telling you here.

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